Access Arrangements or Exam Concessions

It is recognised that although some candidates cope with the learning demands of a course and demonstrate achievement in the skills being assessed, they still face unnecessary barriers when it comes to the standard assessment.

Such barriers may result from:

  • a permanent or long-term disability or learning difficulty

  • a temporary disability, illness or indisposition

  • the immediate circumstances of the assessment

What are Access arrangements or exam concessions?

Access arrangements are pre-exam arrangements made on behalf of a candidate with particular needs. Access arrangements allow candidates or learners to show what they know and do without changing the integrity or the demands of the assessment, for example, by using a reader or scribe. Access arrangements are approved before an examination or assessment and they allow candidates/learners with special educational needs, disabilities or temporary injuries to access the assessment.

Application for access arrangements are based on evidence of need and normal way of working.

An assessment provides the necessary documentation for seeking accommodations from schools or employers.

What are the signs that my child might need Access Arrangements or Exam Concessions?

A child may show some of the following signs that are possibly indicative of the needs for access arrangements:

  • Not completing tasks within a given time constraint

  • Incomplete answer books for tests and examinations

  • Poor comprehension

  • Illegible hand writing

  • Poor reading ability when reading aloud

  • Inattention

  • Distractibility

  • Poor spelling

What do Common Access Arrangements include?

  • spelling

  • handwriting/presentation

  • use of a computer

  • a scribe

  • a reader

  • reader and scribe (called amanuensis)

  • a separate venue

  • a prompter

  • time for medication/food intake

  • enlarged print

  • practical assistant

  • a prompter

  • rest breaks

  • additional time; (5, 10 or 15 minutes per hour per examination)

  • second language exemption

  • mathematical exemption

  • breaking up work or assignments into smaller components

By obtaining an assessment you are taking the first step to ensuring that you child has the necessary documentation for seeking accommodations from their school or employer.