Tribunal and expert witness assessments


I consult on special educational needs tribunal cases, providing reports and expert witness testimony for these legal matters. I also conduct tribunal and appeal assessments, as well as assessments for clinical negligence matters when requested by solicitors, to provide an Educational Psychology (EP) assessment.

An expert witness is defined as a person whose level of specialised knowledge or skill in a particular field qualifies them to present their opinion about the facts of a case during legal proceedings.

An expert offers special expertise in a particular field. As an expert witness, I offer additional skills and abilities, courtroom skills and report writing, for example, which have been enhanced by training and developed over time.

When in court, the expert witness is expected to methodically present opinion evidence based on evidence of fact. The report, which I prepare, is written within a specified time scale in compliance with specific legal guidelines. The point of being an expert witness is to write a report that is free-standing, which means that the reader must be able to identify the key issues in the case, understand the evidence available and reach a clear understanding of the range of my expert opinion, without needing to look at any other document.

I stand as an advocate for your child, in other words I assess and write a report to promote and defend your child’s rights, needs and interests. As an expert witness, I remain independent and objective, providing full, frank, impartial advice. There is absolutely no role for a ‘hired gun,’ who is seeking to influence the outcome of a case to suit a specific individual’s interests.